Friday, January 08, 2010 Joyce Namwanje










Namwanje Joyce, 28 years old, is a widow with five children all in school. She owns a retail shop business. She has operated this business for over two years. She is a permanent resident of Baggala zone. She is using the loan to acquire items (drinks, rice, maize flour, beans, bread, soap, salt, sugar, and so forth) in order to expand her business. Her dream is seeing her children finish their education and getting good jobs.

-- from

If you don’t know this concept yet, do check it out. My meager $25 have been successfully repaid 4 times, and this is the fifth loan I make with that amount, so in practice I’ve managed to help microfund 5 businesses in a total of $125 with it. Sounds pretty cool to me – I’m sure there’s a lot of you out there with twenty-five bucks to spare, right?