I've been lending to Kiva for almost two years now, and the second loan I made has just been repaid: I helped Ndella Taye from Senegal to buy supplies to feed her cattle, which she sold to not only repay her loan, but to start a savings account with her husband.

This is her 12th microfinanced loan, and her ambitions to diversify her business are high. The total amount lent this time was $1,050.00. I contributed a measly $25, which I got back in exactly the timeframe promised (6 months).
In all truth, I can't say I did much, I didn't even spend any money, and yet it feels nice. Feels even nicer to see that I'm having a hard time reloaning the $25 to someone else, 'cause all loans requested on kiva.org are fully funded at this point! A big step up since the site got started...

Oh look, three new loans just popped up! Here's twenty-five bucks headed Mrs. Rojas' way!
Good luck in your business...!