"It was great to see Essex County put a hold on wind farm projects.
There are a lot of unanswered questions when it comes to this energy solution.
The proposed windmills for our area are not the cute little postcard windmills from Holland.
These are massive turbines up to 150 metres in height. They create
noise and vibration and have the ability to cause health problems.
companies constructing these farms are rushing through the approval
process, banking on government incentives and a public that believes
anything green is good.
There is also the issue of esthetics and property values. Take a tour near the latest wind farm outside of Wheatley.
Until one is up close to one of these giants, it is hard to comprehend their imposing nature.
There is a place for wind farms, but it must not interfere with a person's right to enjoy their property.
Windsor Star
Published: Tuesday, December 30, 2008
This disgusting NIMBY attitude makes me sick. It's precisely because of this self-righteous selfish imposition of a supposedly god-given right to "enjoy one's property" that's sending this planet down the drain. Apparently for folks like these it's more important to enjoy their oh-so-sacred property than solving the energy crisis and mitigating carbon emissions.
Everybody loves wind energy... just not here!
They should just expropriate his ass.