Thursday, January 11, 2007

Better dead than poor!

A recent poll reveals the Portuguese population is all for clean energy... as long as they don't have to pay a cent for it! 67% of the surveyed population is not willing to see the electric bill go up to sustain green energy projects, and only 21% admits paying an additional 5%. A meager 3% would accept increase in costs of 6%-10%. (poll conducted by Eurobarometro)

5% increase in costs is about 1 Eur to 2 Eur on the final bill, less than the price of a packet of cigarettes. But apparentely that's too much just to help diminish the greenhouse effect of conventional energy production facilities... So the next time you hear that the Oil industry is protected by "Big Interests" or "Hidden Agendas", you'll know what they mean: EVERYONE'S interests and agendas. Hypocrisy is the law of the land.

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